CCS™ Low Exotherm IR

Injection Resin – Large Void & Wide Crack Structural Epoxy Adhesive Pressure Injection


CCS™ Low Exotherm IR is a two-component, low viscosity, low exotherm (isothermic), structural epoxy adhesive specifically designed for large voids, wide cracks/delaminations, gaps, honeycombs in concrete, and grouting of steel plates for external reinforcement. For filling voids or cracks in excess of several inches to a cubic foot or greater it is recommended when possible, pre-pack the voids or wide cracks with uniformed size aggregate that has been washed, dried, bagged, and then pressure injected. Packing with aggregate will help increase the stiffness (compressive modulus) of CCS™ Low Exotherm IR. It bonds to dry, damp, wet, and underwater substrates. It contains no VOC’s (volatile organic compounds).

  • Meets - ASTM C881 and AASHTO M235, Type I, II, & IV, Grade 1, Class C (modified cure hours)
  • Meets - ACI 548.15-20 Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection
  • Meets - ICRI 210.1R Guide for Field Performance of Epoxy Injection of Concrete Cracks


CCS™ Low Exotherm IR has a long working life and a low exothermic (isothermic) reaction (minimal heat generation during cure) that makes it suitable for applications where a relatively large mass of adhesive is employed. The low exotherm cure characteristics, particularly when used in conjunction with pre-placed aggregate, minimizes heat build up and associated volumetric shrinkage, and the liquid material shrinkage upon cooling and curing.

Technical Data Sheet