Why invest the time to join with us? Ask our other applicators. Feel free to call any member of the KIP group. If they have time, they will admit that concrete repair work is challenging, enjoyable and often one of the most profitable specialties in contracting. Because these projects can be found in both new construction as well as older structures requiring maintenance and rehabilitation, we have observed that this specialty is almost recession proof. Finally, as the world’s largest buildings, facilities and civil infrastructure continue to age, they will all require additional maintenance and repair—this is a tremendous growth opportunity.
The process to join our Kemko® applicator group of highly skilled concrete repair contractors is simple. First you need to participate in a business that focuses on concrete repair and second, possess the desire to learn about some of the most efficient and practical approaches to use of polymer repair materials. Then either call us or fill out the form below and we’ll send you a kit with additional information and sample applicator agreements. Finally, you will need to visit our headquarters for a two-day training seminar where we provide technical and hands on training using our products and application equipment. The training is free and there is no other fee for the applicator.
All of our applicators agree to lease at least one Model B crack injection pump to ensure that their customers can count on a single source system (as noted in our crack injection specification). Our pumps are engineered to save a lot of labor time and eliminate waste material costs and poor mixes. We have made significant improvements on both injection resin pumps and paste pumps which we offer as a low-cost lease to only our licensees. Our licensees tell us that the Model B is the best engineered pump bar none and it provides them a very low maintenance system with added application efficiencies. Engineers who are aware of the finger pointing and quality issues in concrete repair respect this systems approach.
Kemko® applicators are provided exclusive geographic territories partly based on populations. Therefore, in some areas we cannot offer our KIP program to other interested contractors. During an applicator’s active participation in the KIP program, we will not add an additional applicator in the same area although Kemko® applicators from other areas are allowed to travel and provide their services to any geographic area.
If an engineer or owner specifies Kemko® products, this means he has the conviction that he is getting a superior product and service and is willing to award the work on a sole source basis. Kemko® brand products are available solely to KIP applicators and are not sold outside of the applicator organization. So if your efforts generate a Kemko® specification, you can be assured in most cases that the owner wants to hire you!
Below is our form to request additional information regarding the Kemko® applicator program. All fields required except for fax.